
This is the Brighton and Hove City Council Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) 2019/20. The aim of this statement is to provide an update on the Council’s Community Infrastructure (CIL) processes, an account of Section 106 (S.106) income and expenditure in 2019/20, in compliance with Regulation 121A of the CIL Regulation 2010 (as amended.)

The City Council is a Contribution Receiving Authority (CRA) because it receives developer contributions, which include S.106 planning obligations and CIL receipts (although the council only commenced implementation of CIL on 5th October 2020.)

The requirement for CRA’s to prepare an IFS was introduced by the CIL Regulations in 2019. The regulations state that no later than 31st December annually a CRA must publish an IFS which includes:

·         An Infrastructure List (a statement of projects or types of infrastructure which the charging authority intends will be, or may be, wholly or partly funded by CIL;

·         A report about CIL, in relation to the previous financial year (the “reported year”); and

A report about planning obligations in relation to the reported year.

The requirements for the type of information to be published in relation to CIL and planning obligations is set out in Schedule 2 of the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended.)


About this Statement

The Brighton and Hove City Council IFS 2019/20 provides all information required under the CIL Regulations. It is supported by detailed planning obligation data in Appendices (I) – (IV). It also highlights the key infrastructure projects funded by developer contributions during 2019/20.

It should be noted that the Council adopted the Brighton and Hove City Council CIL Charging Schedule of May 2020 in July 2020, and it came into force on 5th October 2020. Therefore, because no CIL receipts were received in the “reported year”, this inaugural IFS will only provide details of S,106 income and expenditure, alongside the Council’s Infrastructure List.

The IFS is an important way of demonstrating how the council’s housing target, as set out within the City Plan Part One, is being delivered alongside developer contributions, which will be used to support the delivery of essential supporting infrastructure.

The CIL Guidance requires that IFS data is prepared in a specific digital format (using CSV files) for digital submission to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MCHLG) using a standard template. Due to the Covid -19 pandemic, the process for providing this data has not yet been finalised and further guidance from central government is awaited.

Therefore, although this IFS is accompanied by spreadsheets which support the S.106 totals reported, the publication of the IFS will be followed by three CSV files, which will also be published on the council’s website by 31st December 2020. They will also be submitted digitally to MCHLG once the processes have been established.


IFS 2019/20 – Key Headlines

Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One (2016 -2030)

·         Adopted March 2016

·         Aim to deliver 13,200 new homes and development by 2030

·         The City Plan Part 1:

ü  Sets out a vision and objectives for the development and growth of Brighton & Hove up to 2030;

ü  identifies broad locations for development and allocates strategic sites and employment sites;

ü  Sets clear policies that guide decisions on planning applications;

ü  Indicates how the plan will be implemented and shows how progress will be monitored;

ü  Sets out the infrastructure requirements for the city up to 2030 and how these will be addressed.

The Council’s Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) sets out the infrastructure needed to support the development and growth of the city. It is a starting point for S.106 negotiations for all major developments and has formed the basis of the Council’s CIL Infrastructure List:

Infrastructure Delivery Plan


Brighton & Hove City Council CIL

The Council adopted its CIL Charging Schedule of May 2020 in July 2020 and it came into effect on 5th October 2020.

Adopted CIL Charging Schedule


Section 106 (S.106)

In 2019/20, the council received a total of £8,866,182 from S.106 planning obligations. These sums are either directly related to specifically defined infrastructure projects associated with each planning permission (Appendix II) or delivered on site.


The council held £18,885,717 at the end of 2019/20, to be spent on either specifically defined infrastructure projects or citywide affordable housing developments.


In 2019/20, £2,046,485  was spent on projects including:

·         £821,000 for Affordable Housing site land provision for Frederick Street and Selsfield, Drive

·         £150,000 on Sports new 3G pitch at Portslade Sports Centre

·         In excess of £368,000 on Education upgrades for school facilities at Varndean and Dorothy Stringer schools.

·         Nearly £98,000 on Safer Routes walking and cycling improvements in Hangleton Further details are shown Appendix (III).



Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One

Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One was adopted in March 2016. The Plan includes a target of a minimum of 13,200 new homes to be delivered in the city over the plan period to 2030.  One of the main ways that the Council will achieve its ambitions for growth and development is through the delivery of high quality, sustainable homes and neighbourhoods. The plan will support the delivery of the right infrastructure to support growth at the right time. This will help create healthier places for people and reducing carbon emissions.

CIL will play an increasing role in making provision for a range of infrastructure projects to support development across the city. The Inspector’s Report into the examination of the council’s CIL charging schedule shows that, by 2030, a total of £366 million of investment in city infrastructure will be required. The council estimates that there will be a shortfall of approximately £95 million in funding this requirement. It is estimated that the new CIL charges will raise approximately £2 million per annum (£20 million over the period) towards this overall shortfall.

Following the implementation of CIL, S.106 has been scaled back but will still provide funding for site specific infrastructure requirements, the artistic component and the local employment training scheme.

S.106 is also the only mechanism to ensure that developments provide sufficient affordable housing to achieve the council’s policy requirements for 20% affordable housing as an equivalent financial contribution on sites of between 5 and 9 (net) dwellings, 30% on-site provision or financial contribution on sites of between 10 and 14 (net) dwellings, and 40% on-site provision on sites of 15 units or more.

Alongside S.106 and CIL, the council is also in receipt of grant funding from bodies such as the Local Economic Partnership and Transport for the South East.

The CIL Infrastructure List

The CIL Regulations (2019 Amendment) Regulation 121A  requires the council to publish a statement of the infrastructure projects or types of infrastructure which the charging authority intends will be, or may be, wholly or partly funded by CIL

The list below gives an indication of what CIL receipts could be spent on. This list has been prepared based on the CIL examination documents.

It should be noted that there are infrastructure types listed on the CIL Infrastructure list which will also be funded through S106 obligations for strategic and “nil rated” sites. However, the contributions made through S.106 will be directly related to the impact of these developments on site (or immediately adjacent to), in accordance with Reg 122 of the CIL Regulations 2010.

For example, the strategic housing site at Toads Hole Valley is required and expected to make provision of a site for the development of a new secondary school in the city. However, other housing sites will also impact upon secondary education and therefore a proportion of future CIL receipts may also be spent on supporting secondary education alongside S.106 obligations.

The inclusion of a specific infrastructure type on this list does not commit the council to fund the project (either in whole or in part) through CIL, it merely provides an indication of the type of project.

Air Quality

All off-site citywide air quality mitigation and monitoring measures priorities where identified in Infrastructure Delivery Plan.

Education facilities

All off-site provision and improvements to new or existing schools and public sector funded education facilities.

Emergency Services

Cumulative impacts of development upon services where identified in Infrastructure Delivery Plan.

Energy and Utilities

Strategic renewable energy projects, measures and facilities provision where identified in Infrastructure Delivery Plan.

Flood Risk Management

Strategic Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) surface water flooding - priorities where identified in Infrastructure Delivery Plan

Health Facilities

Off-site citywide health care facilities provision.

Open Space Provision

All off-site provision and improvements to publicly accessible parks and other recreation open space facilities including amenity green areas and areas for food growing.

Recreation space built facilities

All off-site provision and improvements including built provision to play space, indoor/outdoor sports, and playing fields.

Provision and enhancement of Green Infrastructure network

Green infrastructure network connectivity including cross boundary infrastructure, rights of way, biodiversity measures and tree planting.

Public realm and cultural infrastructure

Strategic public realm upgrade including environmental improvements, components for delivery of arts, cultural provision and production space and technology.

Transport and Highways

City wide transport improvements including walking and cycling facilities and networks, public transport facilities and services, road safety, and parking and traffic management.

Off-site provision, improvement and maintenance to new and existing public highways infrastructure and rights of way including traffic signals, junction upgrades and lighting

The Council is refreshing its Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) in 2021 in concert with City Plan Part Two. When completed the IDP will provide a more detailed list of infrastructure priorities which will require funding, this will be reflected in future updates to the IFS.

Section 106 Agreements – Collection and Expenditure

The council collects S.106 to make provision for infrastructure across the city including affordable housing, greenspace (including the provision and maintenance of parks, open spaces and playgrounds), schools, highways and sports and leisure facilities.

Section 106 Agreements and Income 2019/20

The following sets out:

a)    S.106 planning obligations signed by developers and the council (to be paid once development triggers are reached in the future) in 2019/20;

b)    The amount of S.106 paid to the council be developers in 2019/20 (from all planning obligations);

c)    The amount of S.106 that is yet to be formally allocated for spending by the council; and

The data is currently reported using a monitoring spreadsheet in conjunction with the council’s finance systems. These records are being transferred to a new bespoke ICT system (Exacom) which will be used to report on all CIL and S.106 demand notices, obligations, income and expenditure with effect from 1st April 2020.

A breakdown of the data, based on the various infrastructure categories and referenced back to the planning permission, is provided in the appendices that accompany this report.

S.106 planning obligations signed by developers and the council (to be paid once development triggers are reached in the future) in 2019/20

In 2019/20 the council entered into 34 S.106 agreements as part of the approval of 2626 planning applications. In signing up to those S.106 agreements, the council is due to receive £7,407,153once triggers are reached on those development sites (and will be reported as income is received in future IFS reports.)

The 5 largest (by value) S.106 agreements signed during 2019/20 are summarised below:

Planning Permission


Total S106 (financial Obligations)


(all provision)


Longley Industrial Estate, New England Street, Brighton


·         Affordable Housing

·         Artistic Component

·         Education

·         Public Realm including environmental improvements and tree planting

·         Local Employment/training

·         Recreation/open space

·         Sustainable Transport incl. Travel Plans


Land east Coldean Lane, North Varley Halls, Brighton



·         Affordable Housing

·         Education

·         Highways

·         Local Employment/training

·         Recreation/open space

·         Sustainable Transport including monitoring fee


1 Moulsecoomb Way, Brighton


·         Artistic Component

·         Highways

·         Local Employment/training

·         Recreation/open space

·         Sustainable Transport


Land at Lyon Close Hove


·         Affordable Housing

·         Artistic Component

·         Education

·         Highways

·         Local Employment/training

·         Recreation/open space

·         Sustainable Transport


Land at Kings House Grand Avenue, Hove



·         Affordable Housing

·         Artistic Component

·         Education

·         Highways

·         Local Employment/training

·         Recreation/open space

·         Sustainable Transport

Total value largest signed Agreements             £3,955,979


All of the S.106 obligations clearly define how the S.106 money will be spent and a list of all the obligations that make up the total is provided in the Appendices.

The amount of S.106 paid to the council be developers in 2019/20 (from all planning obligations)

It should be noted that the council monitors planning obligations which were entered into as long ago as pre 1997, as trigger dates can be met many years into the development process. This ensures that the council collects all obligations due from developers.

In 2019/20, a number of S.106 payment triggers were reached on a range of planning applications (with planning obligations going back to October 2016 .) The total amount received from those S.106 obligations was £8,868,182.

The 5 largest (by value) S.106 payments received during 2019/20 are summarised below:

Planning Permission


Total S106 Obligations



Former Lansdowne Hotel, Lansdowne Place Hove


·         Affordable Housing

·         Education

·         Local Employment/training

·         Recreation


Preston Barracks (2nd payment)


·         Affordable Housing

·         Local Employment/training

·         Sustainable Transport


Former Amex HQ Edward Street Brighton


·         Education

·         Local Employment/training

·         Recreation

·         Sustainable Transport


Former Westerman complex School Road Hove



·         Local Employment/training

·         Recreation

·         Sustainable Transport

·         Wheelchair accessibility (for affordable housing)


Land Kings House, Grand Avenue Hove (1st (50%) payment)


·         Education

·         Local Employment/training

·         Recreation


Total largest payments received                         £4,668,039



A full breakdown of the sums received is included in Appendix (II).

The amount of S.106 that is yet to be formally allocated for spending by the council

As mentioned above, the council monitors S.106 obligations going back to 1997. In all cases, S.106 obligations clearly set out what they will deliver and pay for. However, sometimes it may take time for the full amount of S.106 money to be triggered and received in order to deliver a specific infrastructure project.

Where S.106 has not been formally “allocated”, this does not mean that it will not be spent on a specifically defined project. It may mean that the relevant directorate is developing a programme or scheme to spend the money on the measures in areas defined in the s106 Agreement, and this may also include current or future funding from other budget headings to support the total investment costs. Therefore authority to sign off the spend has not at this stage been reached.

The total amount of money, under any planning obligation which was received on or before 31st March 2019 either allocated  or yet to be formally allocated, totals £18,885,717.


Non-Monetary Obligations

The CIL Regulations identify that in some cases, S.106 can include “non-monetary” contributions. This means that developers enter into an agreement which obliges them to provide infrastructure such as affordable housing units on site; or open spaces and children’s play area for example, rather than paying money to the council to deliver.

In 2019/20, the council entered into 10 planning agreements which will deliver 184affordable housing units of 76 affordable rent and 108 shared ownership homes on site

Furthermore, the council entered into a total of 34 S106 Agreements with planning obligations which will make provision for the following:

S.106 Expenditure

The IFS reports on the £2,113,889 S.106 expenditure on infrastructure items by the council in the financial year 2019/20. This includes money from historic S.106 obligations entered into prior to 2019/20, due to the lead time to deliver projects and to ensure that sufficient sums of money are available to send on specific projects.

The 5 largest (by value) S.106 projects funded during 2019/20 are summarised below:

Planning Permission


Project Funded

Total Project Expenditure 2019/20


Former Astoria, Gloucester Place Brighton

Affordable Housing Selsfield Drive land provision



Former Astoria, Gloucester Place Brighton

Affordable Housing Frederick Street land provision



West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way

Recreation – Portslade Sports Centre 3G pitch




Land at Pankhurst Avenue (ex Brighton General

Nurses Accommodation)

Education – Varndean School upgrade works



Former convent, 1 Manor Road Brighton

Education – Dorothy Stringer upgrade works



A full breakdown of the sums expended is included in Appendix (III).

The council, did not spend any S.106 receipts to repay money borrowed (including interest.

It also did not refund any sums to developers under the terms of the S.106 agreements in 2019/20.



S.106 Monitoring Fees

The Council historically has not charged a monitoring fee on planning applications with S.106 obligations. In September 2019, the amendments to the CIL Regulations allowed for planning authorities to set monitoring fees for S.106, in addition to the capped 5% administration fee that is permitted from the sums raised through the CIL levy.

The council has included it’s mechanism for charging monitoring fees in the updated Developer Contributions Technical Guidance that was approved in June 2020 and is available on the council’s website: INSERT LINK

The monitoring fee receipts will accumulate over time because developments that include a S.106 monitoring fee may not start for several years.

Included in this 2019/20 IFS Report are two monitoring sums totalling £8,524 being the sum of £4,800 secured from application BH2018/03541 land east Coldean Lane North Varley Halls Brighton  for Travel Plan Monitoring and £3,724 from 2019/00293 (Sea Lanes) land at former Peter Pan's Playground Madeira Drive Brighton for Ecological Mitigation Monitoring.


Long Term Maintenance Sums on Deposit

In some cases, when a development site includes public open space and play space (or improvements), it asks the council to take responsibility for the ongoing maintenance for the spaces and equipment. In these instances, developers pay maintenance sums upon transfer of the land which are held on a long-term basis.

The total amount allocated as long-term maintenance (retained as at 31st March 2020) is £102.520.60 for the sites below:



The council must deliver a significant quantum of new housing and development over the period covered by the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part One (to 2030.) This will require an increasing amount of CIL and S.106 developer contributions from developers to fund the consequential infrastructure improvements required to support the demands of these developments.

The IFS shows that, in 2019/20, a significant level of monetary and non-monetary obligations have been entered into, with 184  affordable housing units being secured, alongside the contributions set out in the summary table below: 


 Also, as set out in the appendices important infrastructure projects are being delivered annually using S.106 receipts.

Subsequent IFS reports will provide comprehensive reports on CIL income and expenditure, along with the ongoing position with new and existing S.106 agreements.

Finally, this inaugural IFS provides a snapshot of S.106 income and expenditure from 2019/20 and shows how developments in the city are contributing to improvements in key infrastructure projects across the city.




Appendix  (I)   2019/20 Contributions Secured

Appendix (II)   2019/20) Contributions Received

Appendix (III) 2019/20) Contributions Spent

Appendix (IV) 2019/20 Contributions Held



BHCC Infrastructure Funding Statement  2019/20

Appendix (I) Contributions Secured




Affordable Housing




Local Employment






Public Realm






land at Kings House Grand Avenue Hove


 £        152,765.00

 £           51,300.00

 £        463,760.00




 £        667,825.00


land at 41 and 42 Park Wall Cottages, Station Approach Falmer



 £             6,500.00

 £          85,451.00

 £            39,400.00



 £        131,351.00


land at Patcham High School, Ladies Mile Road Patcham



 £             7,750.00


 £            15,000.00



 £          22,750.00


land at Buckley Close Hove


 £           10,117.00

 £             3,600.00


 £            10,800.00



 £          24,517.00


St Georges House, 34-36 St Georges Road Brighton

 £             135,750.00




 £              4,500.00



 £        140,250.00


35-39 The Droveway Hove


 £           37,089.00

 £           20,150.00

 £          51,254.00

 £            35,343.00



 £        143,836.00


25 Preston Park Avenue Brighton


 £        182,250.00



 £              6,900.00



 £        189,150.00


land at the Savoy Centre, 75-79 East Street Brighton (inc former Days Restaurant)





 £              3,664.00



 £            3,664.00


land rear 1 to 45 Wanderdown Road, Ovingdean Brighton





 £              6,000.00



 £            6,000.00


land at Lyon Close Hove

 £        122,413.00

 £           44,000.00

 £        385,290.00

 £          125,000.00

 £        676,703.00


land at 118 -132 London Road, 2-8 Oxford Place, 35-40 Oxford Street Brighton



 £           23,200.00

 £        232,845.00




 £        256,045.00


former Astoria Gloucester Place Brighton





 £            10,300.00



 £          10,300.00


land at 29-31 (former Synagogue) New Church Road Hove


 £           91,326.00

 £           15,900.00

 £        149,441.00

 £            64,000.00



 £        320,667.00


(Sea Lanes) land at former Peter Pan's Playground Madeira Drive Brighton





 £              3,500.00


 £   3,724.00

 £            7,224.00


Royal Pavilion Tavern Castle Square Brighton

 £             374,500.00







 £        374,500.00


Grove Park (formerly William Moon Lodge) The Linkway Brighton

 £            31,350.00

 £          31,350.00


land at George Cooper House, 20-22 Oxford Street Brighton

 £             6,866.00

 £             3,000.00

 £          25,935.00

 £          35,801.00


Longley Industrial Estate, New England Street & Elder Place Brighton


 £        122,086.00

 £           57,500.00

 £        453,980.00

 £          202,894.00

 £       757,217.00


 £    1,593,677.00


Ferry Wharf Basin Road North, Portslade



 £             6,508.00


 £              5,250.00



 £          11,758.00


land at 25 Preston Park Avenue Brighton





 £              6,900.00



 £            6,900.00


1 Moulsecoomb Way Brighton



 £           36,700.00

 £        448,919.00

 £          206,550.00



 £        692,169.00


land at 120/124 Vale Avenue Brighton





 £              6,000.00



 £            6,000.00


Land  east Coldean Lane, North of Varley Halls, South of the A27


 £        252,021.00

 £           81,400.00

 £        516,519.00

 £          150,000.00


 £   4,800.00

 £    1,004,740.00


land at 34 Preston Park Avenue, Brighton

 £             182,250.00







 £        182,250.00


Land at Ecovert House and Regent Arcade Bartholomews Brighton





 £              2,750.00



 £            2,750.00


land at 35-39 The Droveway Hove


 £           52,398.00

 £           20,150.00

 £          59,282.00

 £            35,343.00



 £        167,173.00


land at 113/119 Davigdor Road Hove


 £           45,376.00

 £           25,140.00

 £        137,090.00

 £            57,000.00



 £        264,606.00


Ditchling Court, 136 Ditchling Road Brighton

 £             135,750.00




 £              6,300.00



 £        142,050.00


BelgraveTraining Centre, Clarendon Place Portslade


 £           70,291.00

 £           29,800.00

 £          93,406.00

 £            97,650.00



 £        291,147.00

 £             828,250.00

 £     1,144,998.00

 £         432,598.00

 £    3,103,172.00

 £      1,132,394.00

 £       757,217.00



 £    7,407,153.00




BHCC Infrastructure Funding Statement  2019/20

Appendix (II) Contributions Received



 contribution type




Westerman Complex School Road Hove

 Wheelchair accessibility (Affordable Housing)

 £            53,370.00

Wheelchair Accessibility Contribution allocated for adaptations for new Victoria Road Home Purchase Policy site


St Gabriels Wellington Road Brighton

Affordable Housing

 £          209,126.00

Affordable Housing in city


17 Bampfield Street Portlade

Affordable Housing

 £            93,133.00

Affordable Housing in city


Pavilion Tavern 7-8 Castle Square Brighton

Affordable Housing

 £          374,500.00

Affordable Housing in city


former Lansdowne Hotel, Lansdowne Place Hove

Affordable Housing

 £      2,647,700.00

Affordable Housing in city


34/36 St Georges Road Brighton

Affordable Housing

 £          136,500.00

Affordable Housing in city


Sub Total Affordable Housing



£      3,514,329.00



Westerman Complex School Road Hove


 £          216,079.00

West Hove Infant, Hove Junior, St Andrews Primary, Hove Junior (Holland Road) Goldstone Primary, West Hove Infant, Connaught Road Primary Schools And Secondary And Sixth Form Provision at Blatchington Mill or Hove Parks Schools


former Lansdowne Hotel, Lansdowne Place Hove


 £            67,692.00

Education facilities in Administrative Boundary required as consequence of Development


29/31 New Church Road Hove (former Synagogue)


 £            90,982.00

Secondary Provision at Blatchington Mill or Hove Park Schools 


former Amex HQ site, Edward Street Brighton


 £            90,212.00

 Varndean and Dorothy Stringer Schools


87 Preston Road Brighton (former City College)


 £            55,352.00

for Stanford Infants and Junior And/Or St Barts CE Primary, Downs Infants and Junior Schools, St Bernadettes CE Primary, Dorothy Stringer and Varndean Schools.


land at Overdown Rise and Mile Oak Road Portslade

Education (50%)

 £          344,766.00

Nursery Provision at Southern Cross Pre-School And/Or Acorn Nursery or Footsteps Day Nursery;  Primary Provision at Mile Oak Primary And/Or Peter Gladwin, St Nicholas CoE or Brackenbury Primary School;  Secondary And 6th Form Provision at PACA And/Or Blatchington Mill, Hove Park or Cardinal Newman


Land at Kings House Grand Avenue Hove

Education (50%)

 £            77,309.00

 Secondary And Sixth Form provision at Blatchington Mill and Hove Park Schools


 Sub Total Education



£          942,392.00



BHASVIC, 205 Dyke Road Brighton

Local Employment Scheme Contribution

 £            28,696.00

site related local employment and training


land at Overdown Rise and Mile Oak Road Portslade

Local Employment Scheme Contribution

 £            52,221.00

site related local employment and training


Preston Barracks, Mithras House, Watts Building Lewes Road Brighton

Local Employment Scheme Contribution

 £          167,178.00

site related local employment and training


Lion Gardens -  Withdean Avenue Brighton

Local Employment Scheme Contribution

 £               5,712.00

site related local employment and training


87 Preston Road Brighton (former City College)

Local Employment Scheme Contribution

 £               8,708.00

site related local employment and training


Westerman Complex School Road Hove

Local Employment Scheme Contribution

 £            36,538.00

site related local employment and training


118-132 London Road (former Boots/Co-op), Oxford Place & Oxford Street

Local Employment Scheme Contribution

 £            23,200.00

site related local employment and training


former Lansdowne Hotel, Lansdowne Place Hove

Local Employment Scheme Contribution

 £            27,943.00

site related local employment and training


Land at Kings House Grand Avenue Hove

Local Employment Scheme Contribution

 £            51,922.00

site related local employment and training


Ferry Wharf Basin Road North, Portslade

Local Employment Scheme Contribution

 £               6,508.00

site related local employment and training


south side Victoria Road Trading Estate, Wellington Road Portslade

Local Employment Scheme Contribution

 £               4,970.00

site related local employment and training


land at Units 2-8 The Terraces, Madeira Drive Brighton

Local Employment Scheme Contribution

 £            35,815.00

site related local employment and training


former Amex HQ site, Edward Street Brighton

Local Employment Scheme Contribution

 £          191,401.00

site related local employment and training


29/31 New Church Road Hove (former Synagogue)

Local Employment Scheme Contribution

 £            15,840.00

site related local employment and training


 Sub Total Local Employment training



£          656,652.00



Former Texaco site Kingsway/Victoria Terrace Hove


 £          111,844.00

Recreation/sport facilities including Hove Lagoon or Wish Park, Stoneham Park


Preston Barracks, Mithras House, Watts Building Lewes Road Brighton


 £          739,408.00

Stanmer and/or Wild Park and Moulsecoomb LC for indoor sport


52-54 Hollingdean Road & 46 Freehold Terrace, Brighton


 £          297,922.00

Recreation facilities in vicinity and adjoining Lewes Road (all wards) including Moulsecomb & Bevendan and to include Withdean LC, Moulsecoomb LC and Prince Regent


Lion Gardens -  Withdean Avenue Brighton


 £            47,036.00

Hove Park, Withdean Sports provsion and local allotments


87 Preston Road Brighton (former City College)


 £            73,213.00

Parks Play Dyke Road and Blakers Park allocation


Westerman Complex School Road Hove


 £          263,724.00

Equipped Play at Stoneham Park And/or Wish Park or Hove Lagoon;  Parks at Stoneham And/or Wish or Davis Park; Sport at Davis Park And/or King Alfred, Withdean LC or Hove Lagoon;  Allotments at Weald And/or North Nevill. 


118-132 London Road (former Boots/Co-op), Oxford Place & Oxford Street


 £          232,845.00

Parks recreation sports including Preston Park, Withdean Stadium


former Lansdowne Hotel, Lansdowne Place Hove


 £          130,450.00

St Ann's Well Gardens And/Or Brunswick Square Hove


29/31 New Church Road Hove (former Synagogue)


 £          148,878.00

Recreation play sports for Wish or Stoneham Park and Hove Lawns, Davis Park and Withdean Sport Complex plus Weald or Nevill allotments


former Amex HQ site, Edward Street Brighton


 £          320,816.00

Primarily for Dorset Gardens Inc highways access junction Dorset Garden/Edward Street; - then and/or Queens Park, Tarner Park Valley Gardens and/or Additional Tree Planting John Street and/or White Street.


Land at Kings House Grand Avenue Hove

Recreation (50%)

 £          234,691.00

Recreation provision in vicinity including Kingsway, St Ann's, Palmeira Square or Wish Park, Aldrington Recreation Ground


 Sub Total Recreation



 £      2,600,827.00



land at the Savoy Centre, 75-79 East Street Brighton (inc former Days Restaurant)

Sustainable Transport

 £               3,664.00

15 x cycle spaces in vicinity of Property


St Gabriels Wellington Road Brighton

Sustainable Transport

 £               3,754.00

Dropped kerbs/tactiles along Wellington Road and at its junction with Elm Grove, Franklin Road/Upp Wellington Road And/or at Elm Grove/Lewes Road junction


BHASVIC, 205 Dyke Road Brighton

Sustainable Transport

 £            61,296.00

Drop Kerbs in local area to Access Site And/or Nearby Bus Stops And/or Brighton Bike Share in vicinity


Land at Station Street/Blackman Street Brighton

 Sustainable Transport

 £          130,600.00

Pedestrian and Cycling improvement and Public Realm improvement Incorporating Artistic Influence between Development and NEQ, London Road, North Laine, Brighton Station


52-54 Hollingdean Road & 46 Freehold Terrace, Brighton

Sustainable Transport

 £          156,459.00

footways and pedestrian facilities in south of Hollingdean and along Lewes Road for pedestrian, cycle and public transport provision.


Lion Gardens -  Withdean Avenue Brighton

Sustainable Transport

 £            11,725.00

bus stop improvements - Dyke Road Drive allocation


4-12 Lyndhurst Road Hove

Sustainable Transport

 £               9,844.00

Dropped kerbs, paving/tactiles Lyndhurst Road junctions with Montefiore Road, Avondale, Glendale, Ferndale and Silverdale Road


former Argus House units 2-8 Crowhurst Road Brighton

Sustainable Transport

 £            41,943.00

Bus Stop improvements Kerbs and Shelter Crowhurst Road West And/Or RTI Crowhurst Road Eastbound or Westbound Asda Stop


Westerman Complex School Road Hove

Sustainable Transport

 £            75,949.00

Side Road Entry Treatments Junctions School Road/Portland Road and/or Junction Grange Road/Portland Road  and RTI Westbound School Road Portland Road


Ferry Wharf Basin Road North, Portslade

Sustainable Transport

 £               5,250.00

Pedestrian improvements on and between the Site and Kingsway (A259) and Basin Road North and Kingsway and Middle Street to local facilities


Grove Park, The Linkway, Hollingdean

Sustainable Transport

 £            31,479.00

 Drop Kerbs, tactiles to include Horton Road, Davey Drive, The Crossway, Hollingbury Place, The Linkway and Staples Road And/Or Bus Stop Improvements at St Josephs School North East bound bus stop.


land at Units 2-8 The Terraces, Madeira Drive Brighton

Sustainable Transport

 £            55,822.00

Bus Stop RTI and Kerbs at stops Opposite New Steine, Adjacent New Steine And RTI only at Sealife Centre (Stop L)


former Amex HQ site, Edward Street Brighton

Sustainable Transport

 £          180,203.00

Real Time Indicators x 2  American Express and Law Courts stops Edward Street For Each of the following:  Uncontrolled informal pedestrian Edward Street And/or RTI east/west on stops close to site;  Highway improvements to improve cycle access between site and seafront inc local cycling infrastructure;  Highways traffic calming and pedestrian improvements on one more:  Carlton Hill, Kingswood St, John St and White Street;  And/or Local pedestrian infrastructure; Valley Gardens Phases 2 and 3, at least 1 x Car Club space within Adopted highway of either John St, Carlton Hill or White Street.


204 Old Shoreham Road Portslade

Sustainable Transport

 £               7,162.00

Dropped Kerbs Tactiles at One Or More following junctions:  Old Shoreham Road/Locks Hill; At Junctions And Across Mill Lane with Benfield Crescent;  Hillside/Benfield Way; Foredown Drive And Benfield with Old Shoreham Road.


34/36 St Georges Road Brighton

Sustainable Transport

 £               4,525.00

Off-site on street cycle parking contribution


land at Ecovert House, Regent Arcade (East Street) Bartholomews, Brighton

Sustainable Transport

 £               2,750.00

Off-site cycle storage in vicinity


29/31 New Church Road Hove (former Synagogue)

Sustainable Transport

 £            63,759.00

 Footway and Crossing improvements on routes from site to Aldrington Station, Hove Park, Central Hove Shopping areas and the Seafront


Preston Barracks, Mithras House, Watts Building Lewes Road Brighton

Sustainable Transport 

 £          133,772.00

Cycle facilities improvement And/or Pedestrian facilities And/Or CPZ consultation


land at Overdown Rise and Mile Oak Road Portslade

Sustainable Transport (first payment)

 £          142,373.00

Drop Kerbs/Tactiles on Pedestrian Routes serving Property and missing links to public rights of way network as identified with Public Rights of Way Improvement Plan And/Or Bus Stop improvements including RTI at Graham Avenue; Second Transport Sum on Highway Improvements at Junction Hangleton Link Road and A27.


 Sub Total Sustainable Transport



£      1,122,329.00



Brighton i360 (West Pier) Kings Road

Ticket Revenue Contribution

 £            31,653.00

Public realm, environmental improvements in vicinity of i360 site


 Sub Total Public Realm



£            31,653.00







BHCC Infrastructure Funding Statement  2019/20

Appendix (III) Contributions Spent





Public Art Maintenance

 £                 2,731.00

Wharf Road Art Completion


179 Church Road and 1a Connaught Road Hove

 £                 3,626.00

Wharf Road Art Milimetre Milestone No 5 completion snagging


179 Church Road and 1a Connaught Road Hove

 £                 1,269.44

Wharf Road Art Milimetre final panels and bollards


88-92 Queens Road/ 4 Frederick Place (IBIS Hotel) Brighton

 £                 2,093.40

Art works Traffic Management costs


88-92 Queens Road/ 4 Frederick Place (IBIS Hotel) Brighton

 £                 1,500.00

Art works equalities works


88-92 Queens Road/ 4 Frederick Place (IBIS Hotel) Brighton

 £                 6,497.10

Art works Installation


88-92 Queens Road/ 4 Frederick Place (IBIS Hotel) Brighton

 £                 1,088.00

Art Works Railings/stands strip back works


88-92 Queens Road/ 4 Frederick Place (IBIS Hotel) Brighton

 £                 7,526.40

Art Queens Rd/Quadrant Wayfinding Milestone 4 - Land Prep


Co-op site London Road Brighton

 £                 9,773.60

Art Queens Rd/Quadrant Wayfinding Milestone 4 - Land Prep


Co-op site London Road Brighton

 £                 4,062.50

Art Queens Rd/Quadrant Wayfinding Milestone 6 installation


Co-op site London Road Brighton

 £                 7,000.00

Art Queens Rd/Quadrant Wayfinding Milestone 5 installation


Co-op site London Road Brighton

 £                    500.00

Art Queens Road Quadrant Stage 4


former Baptist Church Montpelier Place Brighton

 £                    250.00

Norfolk Square art project shortlisting


former Baptist Church Montpelier Place Brighton

 £                    250.00

Norfolk Square art project shortlisting


Brighton Station Blocks E/F (NEQ)

 £            100,000.00

Education Dorothy Stringer upgrade works


i360 (West Pier) Kings Road Brighton

 £            135,796.00

Education Varndean School upgrade works


I Manor Road Brighton (former convent)

 £            107,743.00

Education Dorothy Stringer upgrade works


25/28 St James's Street, Brighton

 £              20,080.00

Education Secondary provision Dorothy Stringer School upgrade works


4-7, 9 & 15-20 Kensington Street Brighton

 £                 4,757.00

Education Varndean School upgrade works


former Astoria Gloucester Place Brighton

 £            300,000.00

Affordable Housing Frederick Street


former Astoria Gloucester Place Brighton

 £            521,000.00

Affordable Housing Selsfield Drive


Ex BP Garage site, Pelham Terrace/Lewes Road

 £                 2,501.00

Saunders Park Café


Ex BP Garage site, Pelham Terrace/Lewes Road

 £                 3,819.00

Saunders Park Café


Brighton Station Blocks E/F (NEQ)

 £                 3,208.43

Parks The Level benches


Covers Yard (Viaduct Lofts) Melbourne Street

 £              29,789.93

Saunders Park Café


Former Esso site, Hollingdean Road Brighton

 £                 3,701.54

Parks - Saunders Park café


Former Esso site, Hollingdean Road Brighton

 £                    288.00

Parks - Saunders Park café works fence hire


112/113 Lewes Road Brighton

 £                 6,932.54

Saunders Park café


Brook Mead Albion Street Brighton

 £                 5,765.69

Queens Park - pond wildlife


119 Lewes Road Brighton

 £              18,467.74

Saunders Park café


119 Lewes Road Brighton

 £              21,249.00

Saunders Park café


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £            150,000.00

Portslade Sports Centre 3G pitch


BHASVIC 205 Dyke Road Brighton

 £                 2,000.00

BHASVIC Dyke Road staff costs


BHASVIC 205 Dyke Road Brighton

 £                 1,958.63

BHASVIC Dyke Road TraC payments


former Whitehawk Library, Findon/Whitehawk Road

 £                 2,240.00

Former Whitehawk Library Training costs


former Whitehawk Library, Findon/Whitehawk Road

 £                 2,000.00

Former Whitehawk Library staff costs


Robert Lodge, Manor Place, Brighton

 £                 1,000.00

Robert Lodge, Manor Place staff costs


121/123 Davigdor Road, Hove

 £                 5,000.00

121/123 Davigdor Road staff costs


70 and Site of Chrome Productions Limited Goldstone Lane Hove

 £                 5,000.00

Chrome Goldstone Lane staff costs


70 and Site of Chrome Productions Limited Goldstone Lane Hove

 £              14,800.00

Chrome college course costs


Former Ice Rink & 11 Queens Square Brighton

 £                 2,000.00

Former Ice Rink 11 Queens Square staff costs


Former Ice Rink & 11 Queens Square Brighton

 £                 1,700.00

Former Ice Rink 11 Queens Square work experience costs


Former Ice Rink & 11 Queens Square Brighton

 £              14,800.00

Former Ice Rink11 Queens Square college course costs


Shelter Hall Kings Road Arches, Brighton

 £                    500.00

Shelter Hall Kings Road staff costs


Shelter Hall Kings Road Arches, Brighton

 £                 2,240.00

Shelter Hall work experience costs


13 - 22 North Street, Meeting House Lane and Brighton Place (Hannington Lane)

 £                    500.00

(Hannington Lane) North Street staff costs


 Land at Station Street/Blackman Street Cheapside Brighton (Brinell Building)

 £                 3,000.00

Station Street / Blackman Street staff costs


 Land at Station Street/Blackman Street Cheapside Brighton (Brinell Building)

 £                       10.00

Station Street / Blackman Street staff mobile costs


 Land at Station Street/Blackman Street Cheapside Brighton (Brinell Building)

 £                 4,480.00

Station Street / Blackman Street trainee costs


 Land at Station Street/Blackman Street Cheapside Brighton (Brinell Building)

 £                 7,800.00

Station Street / Blackman Street college course costs


4-7, 9 & 15-20 Kensington Street Brighton

 £                    500.00

Kensington Street staff costs


Former Texaco site Kingsway/Victoria Terrace Hove

 £                 1,000.00

Former Texaco Garage staff costs


East Slope University of Sussex, Refectory Road

 £                    550.00

East Slope University of Sussex training costs


East Slope University of Sussex, Refectory Road

 £                    995.00

East Slope University of Sussex training costs


East Slope University of Sussex, Refectory Road

 £                    525.00

East Slope University of Sussex training costs


East Slope University of Sussex, Refectory Road

 £                    750.00

East Slope University of Sussex training costs


East Slope University of Sussex, Refectory Road

 £                    503.95

East Slope University of Sussex training costs


East Slope University of Sussex, Refectory Road

 £                    350.00

East Slope University of Sussex training costs


East Slope University of Sussex, Refectory Road

 £                       72.79

East Slope University of Sussex training costs


East Slope University of Sussex, Refectory Road

 £                       30.00

East Slope University of Sussex staff mobile costs


East Slope University of Sussex, Refectory Road

 £                 3,000.00

East Slope University of Sussex staff costs


East Slope University of Sussex, Refectory Road

 £                    840.00

East Slope University of Sussex support costs


East Slope University of Sussex, Refectory Road

 £                 3,380.00

East Slope University of Sussex support costs


land at Overdown Rise and Mile Oak Road Portslade

 £                 2,000.00

Land at Overdown Rise/ Mile Oak Road staff costs


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £                    716.41

West Blatchington / West Hove schools apprentice costs


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £                    716.71

West Blatchington / West Hove schools apprentice costs


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £                 2,000.00

West Blatchington / West Hove schools staff costs


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £                       10.00

West Blatchington / West Hove schools staff mobile costs


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £                 7,400.00

West Blatchington / West Hove schools college costs


Preston Barracks, Mithras House, Watts Building Lewes Road Brighton

 £                 5,000.00

Preston Barracks, Mithras and Watts staff costs


Preston Barracks, Mithras House, Watts Building Lewes Road Brighton

 £                       50.00

Preston Barracks, Mithras and Watts staff mobile costs


Preston Barracks, Mithras House, Watts Building Lewes Road Brighton

 £                    201.45

Preston Barracks, Mithras and Watts bldg staff printing costs


Preston Barracks, Mithras House, Watts Building Lewes Road Brighton

 £                    564.00

Preston Barracks, Mithras and Watts training costs


Preston Barracks, Mithras House, Watts Building Lewes Road Brighton

 £              14,800.00

Preston Barracks, Mithras and Watts construction course costs


Preston Barracks, Mithras House, Watts Building Lewes Road Brighton

 £                 2,770.00

 Preston Barracks Mithras and Watts apprentice costs


Preston Barracks, Mithras House, Watts Building Lewes Road Brighton

 £                 4,121.35

 Preston Barracks Mithras and Watts apprentice costs


Preston Barracks, Mithras House, Watts Building Lewes Road Brighton

 £                 1,291.94

 Preston Barracks Mithras and Watts apprentice costs


Preston Barracks, Mithras House, Watts Building Lewes Road Brighton

 £                    584.66

 Preston Barracks Mithras and Watts apprentice costs


Preston Barracks, Mithras House, Watts Building Lewes Road Brighton

 £                    112.97

 Preston Barracks Mithras and Watts course costs


Preston Barracks, Mithras House, Watts Building Lewes Road Brighton

 £                 4,480.00

 Preston Barracks Mithras and Watts course costs


Land at Former Brewery Site, South Street Portslade

 £                 1,000.00

Land at Former Brewery Sth Street staff costs


former Housing offices Selsfield Drive Brighton

 £                    360.00

Former Housing office Selsfield Drive training costs


former Baptist Church Montpelier Place Brighton

 £                 1,000.00

Former Baptist Church Montpelier Place staff costs


2-6 Pelham Terrace, Lewes Road Brighton

 £                 2,000.00

2-6 Pelham Terrace staff costs


52-54 Hollingdean Road & 46 Freehold Terrace, Brighton

 £                 2,000.00

52-54 Hollingdean Road staff costs


52-54 Hollingdean Road & 46 Freehold Terrace, Brighton

 £                 7,400.00

52-54 Hollingdean Road college course costs


52-54 Hollingdean Road & 46 Freehold Terrace, Brighton

 £                 2,520.00

52-54 Hollingdean Road training costs


251/253 Preston Road Brighton (Dovecote House)

 £                 1,593.92

251/253 Preston Road ( Dovecote) staff costs


251/253 Preston Road Brighton (Dovecote House)

 £                 1,000.00

251/253 Preston Road staff costs


251/253 Preston Road Brighton (Dovecote House)

 £                 7,000.00

251/253 Preston Road construction course costs


former Astoria Gloucester Place Brighton

 £                 1,000.00

 Former Astoria Gloucester Place staff costs


former Astoria Gloucester Place Brighton

 £                 8,500.00

 Former Astoria Gloucester construction course costs


Lion Gardens, Withdean Avenue Brighton

 £                    500.00

Lion Gdns Withdean Ave staff costs


Westerman Complex, School Road Hove

 £                    825.00

Westerman Complex School Road training costs


Westerman Complex, School Road Hove

 £                    500.00

Westerman Complex School Road staff costs


118-132 London Road (former Boots/Co-op), Oxford Place & Oxford Street

 £                 1,000.00

118-132 London Road staff costs


118-132 London Road (former Boots/Co-op), Oxford Place & Oxford Street

 £                 1,700.00

118-132 London Road course costs


land at Kings House, Grand Avenue Hove

 £              36,117.17

Kings House placement costs


land at Kings House, Grand Avenue Hove

 £                 2,000.00

Kings House staff costs


land at Units 2-8 The Terraces, Madeira Drive Brighton

 £                 1,000.00

Unit 2-8 The Terraces Madeira Drive staff costs


former Amex HQ site, Edward Street Brighton

 £                 1,700.00

former Amex HQ Site course costs


former Amex HQ site, Edward Street Brighton

 £                 3,000.00

former Amex HQ Site staff costs


former Amex HQ site, Edward Street Brighton

 £                       20.00

former Amex HQ Site staff mobile costs


I Manor Road Brighton (former convent)

 £                 3,738.75

Bus stops Lidl east Eastern Road


Woollards Field (The Keep)  Lewes Road Brighton

 £                 6,765.59

Bus Stop kerbs Stonymere Way


Land at The Hyde, Rowan Avenue Hove

 £                 1,000.00

Rowan Avenue Bus stops lining/clearways


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £              34,000.00

Bus Stops kerbs Hangleton Way


13 - 22 North Street, Meeting House Lane and Brighton Place (Hannington Lane)

 £                 5,000.00

Transport Shopmobility Churchill Square


i360 (West Pier) Kings Road Brighton

 £              12,160.05

Signage Wayfinding Mono/Miniliths upgrade/replacements


Portslade Aldridge Academy  (PACA)

 £                 8,594.03

Chalky Road resurfacing


Portslade Aldridge Academy  (PACA)

 £              13,327.80

Chalky Road Puffin Crossing


88-92 Queens Road/ 4 Frederick Place (IBIS Hotel) Brighton

 £              76,000.00

Valley Gardens Phase 2


Former Infinity Foods Franklin Road Portslade

 £              10,500.00

Walking Cycling - speed cushions and drop kerbs Vale Road - with no 334


7 Symbister Road, Portslade

 £                    875.91

Vale Road hump/drop kerb works


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £                    190.37

Safer Routes TRO advert costs Hangleton works


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £                 9,907.00

Safer Routes Drop Kerbs various in locality


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £                    190.37

Safer Routes School Keep Clear Markings


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £                    190.37

Safer Routes School Traffic Regulation Order for double yellow lines


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £                    190.37

Safer Routes School Hangleton surface works


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £                 8,303.77

Safer Routes - additional sum for Hangleton Way bus stops


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £                 8,857.45

Safer Routes Phase 2 - Northease Drive, Parks Rise West and East


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £              32,701.59

Safer Routes Hangleton Way


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £                 3,021.74

Safer Routes Hangleton Way


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £              31,820.89

Safer Routes Hardwick Way bus stops - Valuation 2


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £                    235.00

Safer Routes Hangleton Way Lining


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £                    638.68

Safer Routes Hangleton Way Lining/bus stop lining


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £                    190.37

Safer Routes Traffic Regulation Order advert costs Hangleton works


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £                    190.37

Safer Routes Traffic Regulation Order advert costs Hangleton works


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £                 1,194.47

Safer Routes School Keep Clear signs & posts


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £                       91.04

Safer Routes Bus Stop Clearway Hardwick Road


Preston Barracks, Mithras House, Watts Building Lewes Road Brighton

 £                 6,200.00

Bike Share Preston Barracks Lewes Road


Preston Barracks, Mithras House, Watts Building Lewes Road Brighton

 £              10,969.40

Bike Share Preston Barracks Lewes Road


Preston Barracks, Mithras House, Watts Building Lewes Road Brighton

 £                 5,185.00

Bike Share Preston Barracks stands/totems


Land at Former Brewery Site, South Street Portslade

 £              20,000.00

South Street Portslade crossing improvement


Preston Barracks, Mithras House, Watts Building Lewes Road Brighton

 £              13,000.00

Preston Barracks Parking Controlled Parking Zone consultation


Preston Barracks, Mithras House, Watts Building Lewes Road Brighton

 £                 6,501.99

Preston Barracks Parking Controlled Parking Zone consultation


Preston Barracks, Mithras House, Watts Building Lewes Road Brighton

 £                 9,747.00

Preston Barracks Parking Controlled Parking Zone consultation


323-325 Mile Oak Road Portslade

 £                    406.65

Mile Oak Road bus stop Real Time Indicator pole removal


Park House (One Hove Park) Old Shoreham Road Hove

 £                 3,626.00

Hove Park east bus stop Real Time Indicator


Park House (One Hove Park) Old Shoreham Road Hove

 £                 1,813.00

Hove Park east bus stop Real Time Indicator


West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way Hove

 £                 1,813.00

Hardwick Road east Real Time Indicator